
ioscodesnippet.com is founded by Jamz Tang. He started iOS development since 2009. He noticed there's a lot simple tasks that required too much boilerplate code for developers to write manually. Three years ago he decided to host a blog to collect these snippets and reusable components hopefully that would also help others out there. However with a full-time job with him, he was lacking deserved commitment to this blog.

Something has changed after Sept 2013. He quitted his job and become a freelancer. With a bit more free time with him, he decided it's time to look back into revamping this site. The old blog has no easy way to let visitors to download and use the snippets, by integrating the CocoaPods, it could probably make using these snippets much easier.

Two heads are better than one.

If you think you like this idea and also like to contribute, please get in touch with him :)

This site is hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by orderedlist
